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Life Update One

So, sometimes things get a person down, even those of us who strive to be cheery as much as possible because the world can be a dark place so why add to that. At least that's my out look.

Some of you may know that I have health problems and usually I feel I cope well enough with that in private but lately I feel it has been leaking into my content. For that I am very sorry.

I am currently going through a very difficult time with my health and I am incredibly frustrated and unhappy. I have been uploading videos with no audio onto my youtube channel because I feel these games don't need an audio commentary - creating a sims for example is just that, plus I'd just be mocking the outfits - which although are an improvement on sims 3 still are lacking and the game's lack of very long hair is annoying too when trying to create yourself with your waist length hair! :D

In hindsight maybe the commentary would have added an extra element of fun to the videos but for now I'm sorry for no face cam or audio.

I am going to change my streaming schedule on the calendar as well to better reflect my new schedule plans although I haven't updated for a few weeks in protest and denial of my situation but I feel that it is not accurate any more and needs to be amended.

My new schedule is going to be around 2 videos made for youtube a week, and a stream or two IF I am able -I can make youtube videos easier as i am able to film them from my bed where as I feel it would be very inappropriate for me to stream whilst lying down in bed. Now you know my behind the scenes secret! :D

I will do my best to keep in touch with you all, message me on twitter if you fancy a chat, though I know a lot of you already have been and you are all wonderful and are helping to keep my spirits up, probably without even knowing you are!

So, I have waffled on for long enough, possibly three paragraphs too long in fact! :D

Take care of yourselves and I'll chat to you and hopefully see you in a stream or chat to you in a video comment real soon! XOXO

- Get Involved! <3



Streamer | Content creator 



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